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Dec 19, 2019

Gary Saarenvirta, founder/CEO of Daisy Intelligence, is recognized as one of North America’s preeminent authorities on artificial intelligence. Gary is a passionate evangelist for the application of A.I. and reinforcement learning in strategic merchandising decisions. He’s not afraid to challenge the status quo when...

Dec 9, 2019

Episode 106: We chat with Dr. Shervin Khodabandeh from Boston Consulting Group about digital transformation and ways to effectively launch AI strategies in your organization.

Nov 14, 2019

In this week’s #DataTalk, we chat with Sherrell Dorsey about her love of data, technology and passion for improving inclusion and diversity in tech. She started coding when she was 14 years old at the Technology Access Foundation in Seattle -- and spent her summers in high school as an intern at Microsoft, learning...

Nov 6, 2019

This is episode #104. Today we get a chance to learn from Karen Hao.

Karen graduated from MIT with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and minor in Energy Studies. After graduation, Karen worked as an application engineer at a Google X urban sustainability spinoff and later served as a data scientist for Quartz.

Karen is...

Oct 25, 2019

Ted Way is a senior program manager on the AI and Advanced Architectures team at Microsoft, with the mission to accelerate AI and other workloads in the cloud and edge.

Ted holds B.S. degrees in electrical engineering and computer engineering, MS degrees in electrical engineering (signal processing) and biomedical...